
DEAR FREIND , you are welcome write to me and if I am not tired and not out of moods I will
try to answer querie. I have set out in bare outline what I thought are his views on law and human rights.
I have not read this article referred to by you.I entered the Rights Movement a decade earlier before him
from the time Naxalite movemnt in the state of AP. We brothers were beleivers in Marx and I am associated with the Communists from my college days . Those were days one sixth of the word was Socialist.
Infact the Arch Bishop Canrerburry in the Forties was called Red Dean.
That was the first Socilist wave ,I need not go in to its history.It survived for about six to eight decades.
Because of the promises it held out when it fell it was characterised as a "Collapse". In the Short life span
it imposed a threat to western imperialist countries.Winston Churchil on the death of Stalin said Stalin came to power when there was only a wooden plough , when he left it was the foremost Nuclear power.His authoritarian Rule was christened Totalitarian Dictatorship.It foundered on the human rights violations reported . Human Rights as a concept was evolved after the fall of Germany and after the Rise of Socialist Countries.The western powers never measured governance with this yard stick.They used this Yards stick
to stalin more than to any other government.US violation of human rights has been legion.Destroyed a system which if allowed to exist could have rectified its governance and provided the people a
better world.
Coming to the issue raised by you he was disillusioned by the judges and their attitudes towards peoples problems.Even at the young age of 21 I was aware of quality and character of the institution and had Balagopal joined at an early stage he would have felt so. He was prodigy in Maths. Witnessing relentless brutality by the Young Naxal movement he decide to fight it. As long as there was a vision of social change attached to the Rights movement the fight had a goal and was inspiring. But he perceived the distortions in the movement things changed for him. He structured a new Human Rights organisation.He was basically poor peoples Advocate and very rarely the poor get such brillant lawyers.The statement he made is true.People beleive that Courts can do something for them.
This faith in courts is a phenomenon after the 1975 Emergency. After the courts shameful performance that led to the Emergency and the MISA and their upholding of the Detention led to tremendous loss of credibility . After people voted out Indira Gandhi out of power the court recovered their lost place in the sun suddenly and to expiate their sins of culpable ommissions they devised the public interest litigation. THIS GOT THEM SOME NAME.LAWYERS NEED SOME BRIEF AND LAWYERS LIKE US THOUGHT THINGS CAN BRING ABOUT CHANGES IN GOVERNANCE THROUGH COURTS LITTLE BY LITTLE.
This hope was belied.That must be what he has intended. His illusion he transferrred on to peoples faith.
Yet pitched upon the idea of creating awareness of rights in the people which would make the rights awareness in the people discipline Governance. He worked on this principle with tremendous courage and conviction. With a profession with very minimal awareness of their responsibilities to the society which nourished sheltered them in comfort. I think I will stop here. I can go on and on. I am eighty plus .
Thank you regards kgk
National President, PUCL
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